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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Organizing Bonanza | Rubbermaid

A 2 Week Spree of Organizing Fun to Kick Start Your New Year’s Resolutions
The Rubbermaid Organizing Bonanza is a two week organizing event. It’ll be hosted on, the Adventures in Organization Blog, Twitter and FaceBook. So log on to learn organization tips and tricks. Plus, you could win one of the 49 prizes we are giving away! Grab your computer, cup of coffee and roll up your sleeves for some organization inspiration. Starts Jan 10 and ends Jan 21! Lots of prizes to win!

Click on link below to get there:

Organizing Bonanza | Rubbermaid

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled on to your blog, I see that you like sweepstakes.
    I would love for you to stop by my blog and enter any or all of the giveaways that I have going on right now. They all end tomorrow.
